If your question relates specifically to the 916th Air Refueling Wing, please see the questions below. If you have a question which is not addressed here, you may find the answer by visiting the Questions page of Air Force Link. If you have a general military question, please refer to the Department of Defense Frequently Asked Questions page. 
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Expand List item 1167Collapse List item 1167  General Information

How can I get a unit patch or lithograph from the 916th?

The 916th's policy is not to mail unit or squadron patches due to cost. Currently we do not have any lithographs of our aircraft, but photos can be obtained through the Photo Gallery on our Web site.
Expand List item 1168Collapse List item 1168  Job Opportunities

How do I find out about job opportunities at the 916th Air Refueling Wing?

The 916th Air Refueling Wing is always looking for qualified and eager applicants to the join the Air Force Reserve. For positions in the Air Force Reserve call (919) 722-2258 or log onto: http://www.afreserve.com.


I am current reservist, how do I find out about transferring to the 916th ARW?

If you are interested in transferring to the 916th Air Refueling Wing, contact unit recruiting at (919) 722-2258.
Expand List item 1169Collapse List item 1169  Unit Newsletter

How do I submit to the Wright Flyer?

The Wright Flyer welcomes comments, questions and material to be considered for publication at flyer@afrc.af.mil. Deadlines is by the 10th of every month for the following month's issue.
Expand List item 1170Collapse List item 1170  Wing Tours

Does the 916th Air Refueling Wing give tours to the public?

The 916th Air Refueling Wing gives tour to the public on a case-by-case basis depending on the wing's operation and training schedule. Interested groups of 20 or more should call the public affairs office at 919-722-2216.


Does the 916th ARW have a program for Jr. ROTC or ROTC cadets?

The 916th ARW is one of the few units on the east coast still actively involved with Jr. ROTC and ROTC programs. We provide orientation flights for Air Force Jr. ROTC and Air Force ROTC cadets from September through May. For more information on our program contact the 916th ARW Public Affairs Office at (919) 722-2216.


How do a schedule a tour of the 916th Air Refueling Wing

The 916th Air Refueling Wing handles all requests for unit tours. Please call the 916th ARW Public Affairs Office at (919) 722-2216. If you are interested in a tour of the 4th Fighter Wing and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, contact the 4th FW Public Affairs Office at (919) 722-0027.

19 - 20 OCT 24

2 - 3 NOV 24

7 - 8 DEC 24

11 - 12 JAN 25

1 - 2 FEB 25

1 - 2 MAR 25

5 - 6 APR 25

24 - 27 APR 25 (SUTA)

31 MAY - 1 JUN 25


2 - 3 AUG 25

6 - 7 SEP 25