WEBVTT 00:05.340 --> 00:08.870 my role with the KC 00:08.870 --> 00:11.260 46 conversion training with secondary . 00:11.270 --> 00:13.492 I was not trained at McConnell . Like a 00:13.492 --> 00:15.659 lot of uh Kadre where um I was trained 00:15.659 --> 00:17.826 here back in june of last year for the 00:17.826 --> 00:20.550 KC 46 conversion , I was in charge of 00:20.940 --> 00:22.829 Basically the manning for all the 00:22.829 --> 00:24.996 schools that we had to do . We did not 00:24.996 --> 00:27.290 break any timelines . You get a 90 day 00:27.290 --> 00:29.290 timeframe from the time that you've 00:29.290 --> 00:31.346 received your first two aircrafts to 00:31.346 --> 00:33.920 start your classes here on base and we 00:34.110 --> 00:36.221 worked with the McConnell instructors 00:36.221 --> 00:38.110 and we stuck with all of that and 00:38.110 --> 00:40.332 everything went off Pretty much without 00:40.332 --> 00:41.999 a hitch I believe through the 00:41.999 --> 00:44.166 conversion , including our first group 00:44.166 --> 00:46.388 of people we sent to McConnell . We had 00:46.388 --> 00:49.070 170 people trained particularly with my 00:49.070 --> 00:51.700 job . We now deal with mission systems . 00:51.710 --> 00:53.877 So there was a primary focus on that . 00:53.877 --> 00:55.932 Since it's a new task for the career 00:55.932 --> 00:57.654 food . My favorite part of the 00:57.654 --> 00:59.766 conversion training was being able to 00:59.766 --> 01:01.877 learn alongside people that have been 01:01.877 --> 01:03.932 in the Air Force through longer than 01:03.932 --> 01:05.932 I've been alive . Uh the ability to 01:05.932 --> 01:08.043 learn alongside someone who came from 01:08.043 --> 01:09.988 the KC 1 35 definitely put us on a 01:09.988 --> 01:12.099 level playing field and I was able to 01:12.099 --> 01:14.099 gain some knowledge from them as we 01:14.099 --> 01:16.280 both learn on the new aircraft . My 01:16.280 --> 01:18.391 name is Senior Master Sergeant , Ryan 01:18.391 --> 01:20.447 Horn , the 9 16 aircraft maintenance 01:20.447 --> 01:22.502 squadrons and on the communication , 01:22.502 --> 01:22.130 navigation and mission systems section 01:22.130 --> 01:24.340 chief Going through this training um , 01:24.340 --> 01:26.284 myself definitely gave me a deeper 01:26.284 --> 01:28.173 appreciation for what they all do 01:28.173 --> 01:30.340 individually . Um , it also gives me a 01:30.340 --> 01:32.562 better idea of , you know , their their 01:32.562 --> 01:35.130 strengths limitations , time praying um , 01:35.140 --> 01:37.510 and as far as developmentally um , 01:37.520 --> 01:39.742 going through this training really , it 01:39.742 --> 01:41.990 really helped develop them as airman 01:41.990 --> 01:44.300 and in the case of 46 conversion 01:44.300 --> 01:46.022 training definitely boosted my 01:46.022 --> 01:48.189 confidence with aircraft maintenance . 01:48.189 --> 01:50.356 Uh , prior to my current position as a 01:50.356 --> 01:52.600 G . R . A . Traditional reservists came 01:52.600 --> 01:55.030 in one weekend a month . And uh , so 01:55.030 --> 01:56.752 now , since I've completed the 01:56.752 --> 01:58.863 conversion training , I feel like I'm 01:58.863 --> 02:01.086 better prepared to to do this job every 02:01.086 --> 02:00.460 day .